Absolute Health Integrative Medicine is a full service medical clinic providing Anti-Aging, Integrative and Advancement in Medicine for individualized treatment programs for patients of all ages and with various disorders. Our physicians use Dietary Manipulation, Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals, Homeopathy, Detoxification, Chelation Therapy, Bio-oxidative Therapy, Hyperthermia, Acupuncture Point Injection, Neurotherapy von Huneke, Physiological Regulation Therapy, Electrostatic Stimulation, Organot
At Mercator Medical, we dedicate ourselves to delivering high quality but affordable contamination prevention products to doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and other customers who use them.
Headquartered in Poland and supported by several distribution centers in Europe, Mercator Medical is now a leading distributor of contamination prevention products in Europe.
We believe in our ability to achieve sustainable growth through operational excellence, technological leadership, continuous innova