1. Development of monthly content execution plan based on the agreed content calendar
2. Coordinate with all related parties to ensure a smooth content production
3. Shooting and editing simple VDO engagement content for daily Facebook and Instagram story post
4. Schedule, publish, monitor, and optimize social posts across all platforms including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram.
5. Provide copy writing support across online communication channels including website, blogs posts, EDM, social medi
● Work with Marketing Manager with content planning and execution
● Produce all content for social platforms (IG & FB) - both in static and video format; this will be both posts and stories
● Manage weekly EDMs and any other email announcements
● Manage website updates
● Taking charge of any other projects or events given to you by the Marketing Manager or General Manager
● Assist with live content for events (i.e. IG stories, etc)
● Engage well with community (i.e. boost engagement and ke