Tech-savvy Full Stack Web Developer with 2+ years of experience in designing and maintaining scalableweb applications. Proficient in C#, SQL Server, and ASP .Net Core, with expertise in API development anddatabase management. Adept at delivering high-quality solutions.
Full Stack Web Developer
-Designed and developed web applications using ASP .Net Core (MVC), React, and Blazor,ensuring seamless front-end and back-end integration.
-Created APIs for data-driven functionalities, enhancing application performance and scalability.
-Managed SQL Server and MySQL databases, implementing optimized queries and database schemas.
-Conducted system testing, debugging, and deployment on servers, ensuring functionality andperformance aligned with client requirements.
-Provided training and documentation for system users and administrators.
Key Achievements:
-Delivered a Production Tracking System, improving manufacturing accuracy and reporting efficiency.
-Successfully implemented E-Tax and Item Expire modules, reducing operational errors.
-Improved a fertilizer mixing control system, optimizing customer processes and reporting
Doctor Appointment Mobile Application (Guaduate Project)
-Role: Full Stack Developer
-Technologies: Flutter (Frontend), Ent. & Golang (Backend), MySQL (Database)
-Developed a user-friendly mobile application for scheduling doctor appointments, includingdatabase design and API creation.
Smart Integration System (SIS)
-Role: Full Stack Developer
-Technologies: ASP .Net Core, SQL Server, IIS Deployment
-Contributed to developing subsystems like E-Tax, Transfer Order, and Item Expire to streamlineoperations for a leading cinema chain.
Production Tracking System
-Role: Full Stack DeveloperTechnologies: ASP .Net Core (MVC), Web API, IIS Deployment
-Designed and implemented a comprehensive system for production tracking, material management, and reporting.
Control Mixing Fertilizer System
-Role: Developer & Analyst
-Technologies: ASP .Net Core (MVC), Web API, Omron Equipment Integration.
-Enhanced a fertilizer mixing system to improve production control, added reporting features, andprepared user documentation.
มกราคม 2557 ถึง ธันวาคม 2560
Engineering University
Relevant coursework in Structural Design and Project Management.
พูด (ดีมาก) อ่าน (ดีมาก) เขียน (ดีมาก)
พูด (ดี) อ่าน (ดี) เขียน (ดี)
ไทย คำ/นาที อังกฤษ คำ/นาที
รถยนต์ ,รถจักรยานยนต์ ,
รถยนต์ ,
Technical Skills:
-Programming Languages: C# (Expert), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C++, Python, Java, Golang,Dart
-Frameworks: ASP .Net Core (Expert), Blazor, Flutter, React
-Tools: Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio Code, GitHub, Postman, IIS
-Database Systems: Microsoft SQL Server (Expert), MySQL
-Other Skills: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), MVC Design Pattern, MicroservicesArchitecture, Code-First and Database-First Approaches, JWT Authentication, MicrosoftRDLC Report Design, QRCoder
โครงการ / ผลงาน / เกียรติประวัติ / บุคคลอ้างอิง
-Thailand National Cheerleading Championship 2018
-Thailand National Cheerleading Championship 2019
-Thailand National Cheerleading Championship 2020