- Design and Drawing Fire Protection System by AutoCAD program
- Estimate Quotation and Bill of Quantities
- FHC Hydraulic calculation by software program
- Support technical advice for customer
- Request information, prices and compare products form suppliers
พฤศจิกายน 2562 ถึง สิงหาคม 2567
Chief Design Engineering
Kiddee fire solution Co.,Ltd. (Megaplanet Group)
- Survey, measure dimension for design and estimate
- Design Gas Suppression System by National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) standard form AutoCAD program
- Hydraulic calculation by software program
- Estimate Quotation and Bill of Quantities
- Manage the team and assign work that is appropriate for each person,
monitoring, evaluating, solving problems, recheck and recommend
- Elementary knowledge about NFPA standard, EIT standard, ISO9001,
ISO14001, ISO45001 etc.
Reference previously design work include :
- Metropolitan Rapid Transit (MRT) Orange Line E.1-2 , E.5 (IG-100)
- PTT Public Company Limited Wang-Chan (IG-100)
- Terra Data Center (IG-100)
- Bridgestone Tire Manufacturing , Makro , Lotus (CO2)
- JLK TOWER , Mochit Complex (NOVEC 1230)
- Rattanapracharak Hospital (NOVEC 1230)
- PCG Dragon (NOVEC 1230)