Tourist attraction
- A Web app that can search for places ,And filter what kinds
of places that you looking for.
Tech stack : React js
url: ""
Backend posts project
- This project focus on back-end side ,So i write a code for CRUD ,
And create routes for api with middleware.
Tech stack : Express.js ,Postgresql
url: ""
Pet sitter
- This is the project that I have build with my team when I was in bootcamp .
A pet sitting web app connects pet owners with pet
sitters, making it easy to find trusted caregivers for pets.
Tech stack : Next js ,Supabase ,Daisy ui ,google-login ,jwt token ,bcrypt
url: ""
-This project i try to practice about authentication,
jwt token and login with Google.This website you can
create you own account ,blog and give a comment others blog.
Tech stack : Next js, Supabase, login-with-google, jwt, bcrypt