1. Safety standard operation.
- Set up safety and environment working plan.
- Implement and supervising emergency practice and fire drill.
- Monitoring changes of regulatory requirements.
- Safety analysis, accident investigation and reporting.
2. Safety inspection and measurement.
-Organize fire protection equipment inspection and test program.
-Set up Environment measurement (Heat, Total dust, lead, lighting and Sound.).
-Set up equipment inspection (forklift, Hoist and electrical).
-Responsible for annual Physical checkup program.
3. Occupational health and safety training.
-Develop and implement a safety training program for new employee, sub-contractor.
-Develop and implement a safety training program according safety requirement.
-Training KYT activity for employees.
4. Initial safety and environment activity.
-Safety driving campaign for long holiday,5S. activity, Safety talk and Safety week.
-Responsible & training CCCF Activity.
-Proceed ZERO ACCIDENT activity.
-KYT Activity
5. Environment.
-Waste management program by preparing all waste report to official bodies.
-waste permission including the process to find the legally waste disposal.
-waste management control has been maintained performed and improved properly.
6. Other document.
-Prepare document and submit a request and extend land used and operation permit in IEAT.
-Prepare document and submit a request label tax and land and building tax.
-Prepare document and submit a request License that operation is harmful to the health issue from local government.
-Prepare document for the ISO 14001:2015.
-Prepare document and present Monthly report ( Law, Reduce waste, Waste water analysis and zero accident).
1. Safety standard operation.
-Safety and environment work plan.
-Accident investigation and conduct event analysis.
-Set up safety procedure (confine space, high working, hot work and other).
-Emergency preparedness and response procedure (firefighting, fire evacuation, chemical spill).
2. Occupational health and safety training.
-Develop and implement a safety training program for new employee, sub-contractor.
-Develop and implement a safety training program according safety requirement.
-Training KYT activity for employees.
-Training & Re-training work instruction the forklift safety drive.
3. Initial safety and environment activity.
-Amphetamine testing and check alcohol in body.
-Control and observation behaviour to the forklift driving.
-Responsible for carrying the KYT activities.
4. Other document.
-Prepare data TQM and present to Top management.
-Safety and environment plan.
-Risk assessment in workplace.
-Safety training for new employee and sub-contractor.
-Environment measurement WBGT, Noise, Light and chemical.
-Waste management (Hazard waste, non-hazard waste).
-Monitoring and report result of waste water analysis.
-Prepare document for the ISO 14001:2015.
-Responsible & training CCCF Activity.
-Safety driving campaign for long holiday,5S. activity, Safety talk and Safety week.
ตุลาคม 2562 ถึง พฤศจิกายน 2562
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, TINT
Radiation Protection Level 1
กุมภาพันธ์ 2562 ถึง กุมภาพันธ์ 2562
NY Training Center
Risk&Opportunity Management for ISO 14001:2015
มิถุนายน 2557 ถึง มิถุนายน 2557
WP Energy Public Co., Ltd
Specialized personnel responsible for the liquefied petroleum gas.
พูด (ดีมาก) อ่าน (ดีมาก) เขียน (ดีมาก)
พูด (พอใช้) อ่าน (พอใช้) เขียน (พอใช้)
ไทย 35 คำ/นาที อังกฤษ 25 คำ/นาที
รถยนต์ ,
รถยนต์ ,
- Good for human relation, coordinator, commutation.
- Basic computer skill (MS Office = Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, Internet).
- Can working with foreigner team.
- Can drive with driving license.
โครงการ / ผลงาน / เกียรติประวัติ / บุคคลอ้างอิง
- Conduct a hearing conservation project of the company.
- CCCF KAIZEN Activity.
- Safety promotion (Safety News, Safety talk, Safety week).
- Safety Network Activity.
- Forklift contest 2017 with affiliates.
- Passing the test is a specialized personnel who controls the hazardous substance.