Dangerous goods awareness with concentration on preparing handling and transporting infectious subst
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Eppendrof Thailand
Pipetting Basic Applications and Maintenance
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Research division in National Cancer Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
Cancer culture and Alternative treatment
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ไทย 45 คำ/นาที อังกฤษ 45 คำ/นาที
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โครงการ / ผลงาน / เกียรติประวัติ / บุคคลอ้างอิง
Conserved wild type in P. vivax Kelch gene in isolates from Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia. Imwong M., Sutawong K, Wihokhoen B., Mayxay M., Newton PN., Tripura R., Peto TJ, Nosten F., Day N, Dondorp AJ., and White NJ.
- 2016 at Oxford Tropical Network Meeting (OTN 2016), Oxford, England.
Real-time PCR to detect bacterial co-infection in African children with malaria. Wihokhoen B, Dondorp AM, Woodrow CJ, White NJ and Imwong M
- 2015 at Oxford Tropical Network Meeting (OTN 2015), Siem Reap, Cambodia.
- 2015 at Genomics, Bioinformatics, and System Biology Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
- 2015 at ASEAN Congress on Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Biosciences 2015, Bangkok, Thailand
1. Use of Blood Smears and Dried Blood Spots for Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Detection and Quantification of Bacterial Infection and Plasmodium falciparum in Severely Ill Febrile African Children (2016). Wihokhoen B, Dondorp AM, Woodrow CJ, White NJ and Imwong M. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; 94(2): 322326.
2. Detection of putative antimalarial-resistant Plasmodium vivax in Anopheles vectors at Thailand-Cambodia and Thailand-Myanmar borders (2016), Rattaprasert P, Chaksangchaichot P, Wihokhoen B, Suparach N, Sorosjinda-Nunthawarasilp P. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health; 47(2):182-93.
3. The numerical distributions of parasite densities in asymptomatic malaria (2016). Imwong M, Stepniewska K, Tripura R, Peto TJ, Lwin KM, Vihokhern B, Wongsaen K, von Seidlein L, Dhorda M, Snounou G, Keereecharoen L, Singhasivanon P, Sirithiranont P, Chalk J, Nguon C, Day N, Nosten F, Dondorp A, White NJ. The Journal of infectious diseases; 213(8):1322-9.
4. The epidemiology of subclinical malaria infections in South-East Asia: Findings from cross-sectional surveys in Thailand-Myanmar border areas, Cambodia, and Vietnamliminate of Plasmodium falciparum in an area of multi-drug resistance. (2015) Imwong M, Nguyen TN, Tripura R, Peto TJ, Lee SJ, Lwin KM, Suangkanarat P, Jeeyapant A, Vihokhern B, Day N, White NJ, Dondorp A, Nosten F et al . Malaria Journal; 14:381
5. Eliminate of Plasmodium falciparum in an area of multi-drug resistance. Lwin KM, Imwong M, Suangkanarat P, Jeepayapant A, Vihokhern B, Wongsaen K, Snounou G, Keereecharoen L, White NJ and Nosten F.
6. Spread of Artemisinin Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum Malaria (2014). Ashley EA, Dhorda M, Fairhurst RM, Amaratunga C, Lim P, Suon S, Sreng S, Anderson JM, Mao S, Sam B, Sopha C, Vihokhern B, Day N, Nosten F, Dondorp A, White NJ. et al., The New England Journal of Medicine; 371:411-423
7. Development, validation and evaluation of a rapid PCR-nucleic acid lateral flow immuno-assay for the detection of Plasmodium and the differentiation between Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, (2012). Mens PF, Moers A, Laura M, Flint J, Jathee R, Keereecharoen L, Overmeir C, Verweij JJ, Hallett RL, Wihokhoen B, Proux S, Schallig H and Amerongen A., Malaria Journal; 11: 279